Monday, August 13, 2007


P1140047.JPG, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.

Today, our friend Andrew Bryant is coming to Salisbury to do us a huge favor. He offered to take pictures of Jeremy's band, Lords of Salisbury, for free! We feel so fortunate. The band is trying to get together a press kit so they can start to play more shows, so this is perfect timing.

Good luck to Andrew, taking pictures of these three goof balls won't be easy!

(The shot posted above was taken of the band in Savannah, GA right after the Outreach at Tybee Beach concert.)


Unknown said...

How cool is that. I'm really jealous of your relational skillz and how you guys are having so much fun with the Bryants. I need to call up Andy.

And while it's on my mind I need to add you to the links on my blog...

Unknown said...

Just saw the new pics! IMMACULATE.