P1140065.JPG, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.
This weekend I went to Savannah, GA with Jeremy, Justin, Mikey, and Katie. The trip was great. Lords of Salisbury played an outreach at the beach on Saturday with another band called The Vow from Florida. While the bands played, a local church gave out free hot dogs and drinks, while also witnessing to and praying for people.
Saturday was also my 29th birthday! :) Didn't technically get to celebrate it then, but that's okay. It was a fun day regardless.
On Sunday, we led worship at church. My friend Katie Koontz performed a few of her songs as well. I sang back up for her. We used to sing together a few years back. We called ourselves Sketch. Anyway, it was fun to sing together again.
After church and lunch, we headed to the beach. It was so incredibly hot and humid the entire weekend. I can't remember a moment when we weren't covered in sweat. So, swimming was a nice relief from the heat. After that, we headed downtown and saw the classic spanish moss covered trees and gardens.
Then we went to the river to sightsee and eat dinner. We walked down the old cobblestone streets and visited waterfront historic storefronts.
Sunday was Justin's birthday, and he really wanted to eat crabs. So, we found a great place on River Street called Fiddlers Crab House. The tables had buckets in the middle for your trash. It was awesome. Ha. Actually, it was very good.
Then they brought out some chocolate cake for Justin and I. And it was probably the second best chocolate cake I've had in my life (the first being from Sunset Grill in Nashville, TN called the Chocolate Bombe). Then we all went to see Bourne Ultimatum. (Probably the best of the three movies!)
All in all, a great weekend. But it's good to be home.
For more pics from the trip, visit my flickr page.
(The first shot posted above was taken off Bay Street in Savannah. The trees were gorgeous and covered in Spanish Moss.)
My mom is from Savannah and all of my dad's family lives there... we go back for Christmas every year.
it's beautiful isn't it?? :o)
Hope you had a good birthday! Tell Katie and Jeremy I said hey!
Sounds like a fun trip!
The picture is awesome, as always.
Happy Birthday, Jessica! Sorry no phone call this year. :)
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