Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day Two

P1030021, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.

I have never been very good about keeping up with blogs and journals in the past. But this time I am feeling motivated.

I am about to get ready and head up to Durham to assist Andrew with a wedding at Duke Gardens. Its a beautiful location that my family used to visit often, so I look forward to seeing the amazing shots taken today. I am not sure if the entire wedding will be outside or not. The weather service is forecasting rain, so I am praying and hoping for this couple's sake that it holds off until the festivities are over. They say that rain on your wedding day is lucky, but I can't really think why.

(The shot posted above is of a railroad track in Salisbury, NC. I love to travel and have always wanted to take a trip on a train somewhere for fun. Something about it seems like it would be so romantic.)

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