Those that know me well, know that I do not want kids of my own. This typically shocks most people. I like kids, but I just don't have a desire to be a parent, like most do. My husband feels the same way as me. The kind of life that we feel called to lead involves lots of moving and travel and spontaneity. Plus, right now, being youth pastors, we feel like we already have 40 teenagers to look after. Anyway, I realize that not wanting kids sounds very selfish. And admitedly, I am very selfish, which is part of the issue. But I always preface the subject with the truth that God can always change our minds about wanting kids. And we'll leave that up to Him.
Until then, I'll just have fun playing with other people's kids. And one thing I really like to do is take pictures of kids. In fact, today my friend Amanda has asked me to photograph her daughter, Jilian. When Amanda found out that I was interested in photography, she offered her photogenic child for practice. So we plan to visit the park and get some shots of Jilian playing and having fun. This is the first shoot I have ever done on my own, for someone other than a relative. So I really hope and pray that all goes well and that I am able to get a few decent shots for them.
(The shot posted above was taken in Nashville, TN a few weeks ago at our favorite restaurant, Baja Burrito. This is Genesis, the daughter of our friends Vicki and Chris Lindsey. Ain't she sweet?)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Kids are fun
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Oh, Mexico
P1090453.JPG, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.
My husband, Jeremy, just got back this week from a missions trip to Mexico. He went with a team of 12 to the city of Morelia to work construction for a local church plant. They mixed stucco and covered the entire inside and outside in one week. Then in the evenings they went to outdoor rallies and church services to minister to the people. Today at church, the team gave their testimonies from the trip and they were very moving.
Then Jeremy shared a message on faith that was very powerful and convicting. Much of the church was moved to tears of repentance for the lack of faith that is so prevalent in the American church today. The genuine response of the congregation was very touching. When God moves in people's hearts like that, all you can do is stand in awe of His presence and love.
We will be going back to Morelia, Mexico in January 2008 to speak at a Pastor's Conference and at local churches. We went last January for the same reason. When you go on a trip like that, you expect for God to use you to touch others. But I wasn't expecting for God to use them to affect me as much as they did. I almost feel like I got more out of the experience than I gave.
Maybe that is why we are all called by Jesus to go into all nations and preach the gospel. Because not only does God want to use us to impact others, but He wants to impact us as well.
(The shot posted above was taken in January 2007 in downtown Morelia, Mexico. There were so many beautiful, historic buildings. I look forward to going back.)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I heart weddings
348184819NYGlki_ph, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.
So, I just got home from shadowing Andrew at a wedding for the first time. I was able to work as a second shooter/assistant for him. It was so much fun! Weddings rock. And even though it was supposed to be work, it really didn't feel like it. (Other than my aching, blistering feet.)
One of the reasons I love weddings so much is that it makes me think of my own at Corolla, NC five years ago. And of course, it reminds me of the love not only of my husband, but of my Savior, Jesus Christ.
I look forward to being able to pursue this new hobby of mine further and watch intently as God opens more doors of opportunity for these skills in me to grow. I am so thankful for these past two days. They have given me so much hope for a future beyond what I had ever imagined. Just the potential for something new and unexpected is totally exciting.
(The shot posted above was NOT TAKEN BY ME. I wish I could take the credit, but I cannot. Erica Simmons, my college roommate, was the photographer. However, that is me in the dress.) ;)
Day Two
P1030021, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.
I have never been very good about keeping up with blogs and journals in the past. But this time I am feeling motivated.
I am about to get ready and head up to Durham to assist Andrew with a wedding at Duke Gardens. Its a beautiful location that my family used to visit often, so I look forward to seeing the amazing shots taken today. I am not sure if the entire wedding will be outside or not. The weather service is forecasting rain, so I am praying and hoping for this couple's sake that it holds off until the festivities are over. They say that rain on your wedding day is lucky, but I can't really think why.
(The shot posted above is of a railroad track in Salisbury, NC. I love to travel and have always wanted to take a trip on a train somewhere for fun. Something about it seems like it would be so romantic.)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Welcome to my Photography Blog!
I purchased a new digital camera for myself a year and a half ago...
Camera Type: Point & Shoot
Megapixels: 5 Megapixels
Optical Zoom: 12 X
That very next day, I met Andrew Bryant. He is the brother of one of our best friend's wife. Anyway, he was taking pictures of his sister's wedding and I noticed his camera and struck up a conversation with him. It ended up being a God ordained connection for me. Andrew owns his own wedding photography business and he offered me the chance to shadow him. At first, I thought he was just being nice. But sure enough, he did come through on his offer.
Today I went with Andrew to Cedarwood Country Club in Charlotte for a bridal portrait session. I was so nervous. But at the same time so excited. He let me use one of his cameras and take shots. I have never shot with such a nice camera, especially one that is manual. So, the first half of shots I took were all too dark or too bright. But, it's all part of the learning process.
Tomorrow I have the opportunity to be a second shooter for Andrew at a wedding in Durham at Duke Gardens. I am siked, but again, pretty nervous.
(The shot posted above is one of the first pictures I took with my camera a year and a half ago. It was taken at my parents beach condo in Emerald Isle, NC. I love the beach!)