P1130550_bw-be.jpg, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.
The time has finally arrived! I am starting my own photography company. It has to be a God thing, because I definitely didn't strive to make it happen myself. Over the past few weeks, 3 weddings have been brought to me by friends and family. So, if that isn't a sign, I don't know what is.
In response, I figured I needed to put some pictures together as a portfolio. I think I've chosen some decent ones. It's always hard for me to select the ones I think are the best, because I know I have so much to learn. It almost feels like I'm being prideful by creating something like this. Even making this blog was hard for me at first. But I must learn how to promote myself and what gifts I have. And I definitely hope to learn and let those talents grow, so that eventually it won't be so hard for me to show them off. Ha. Anyway, here is my free portfolio site: jessicavessphotography.mosaicglobe.com. It's a mouthful. But hopefully within a year I will have my own fully functioning website up and running.
Thanks everyone for all the support, kind comments and encouragement. I'll let you know how it goes! Pray for me!
Hey Jessica... I was wondering if this would end up being the direction you go. I have checked in from time to time on you blog and admittedly been slightly jealous sometimes. I was trying to start up Koontz Photography but as of yet I just haven't had the time to pour into it. I'm happy to see you pursuing photography professionally. I think the images you have put up are great. I love the feeling you catch with a lot of them. I have had to work on that a lot but it seems to come naturally for you. If I can help you with anything let me know. Good luck but mostly God Bless!
Josh, thanks so much! The encouragement means a lot to me, especially now. I am trying not to let nerves get the best of me. I think once I get through the first one, I'll have more confidence. Until then, I'm pretty freaked! But its exciting, too.
Anyway, I may take you up on that help sometime!
awesome! I've loved reading your blog and seeing all your photos, you're amazing, and are now officially one of my role models. Best of luck, and I'll keep you in my prayers.
thanks, becca! you're so sweet. i don't know that i'm a role model as of yet. but i definitely want to make you proud! :)
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