Monday, October 29, 2007


P1140265.JPG, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.

Guess what? As if I didn't have enough new things in my life, I just bought a car!

I have had only one car in my life, my Jeep Cherokee, since my senior year in college. She has been a great car. But with over 230,000 miles on the jeep and a job where I travel hundreds of miles a week, it just seemed like the right time for something new. I gave the jeep to jeremy and we bought a PT Cruiser.

Its a 2002 Limited Edition with 78,000 miles. It has leather/suede interior, a sunroof, nice stereo, and lots of fun features. The best part is that it has lots of storage for work and my favorite part is that it has cup holders. Ha.

Anyway, just wanted to share yet another new thing in my life lately. Welcome the PT to the Vess family!


andrew said...

Congrats on the new ride!!! It looks awesome... post some more pics of it when you get a chance. :)

Rebarider said...

awesome car! have fun with all your fancy features!

wsmith11 said...

Hey, congratulations. It fits you, definitely. Long live the Jeep!

Unknown said...

Coolness! Very befitting of such trendy peeps.