Monday, October 29, 2007


P1140265.JPG, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.

Guess what? As if I didn't have enough new things in my life, I just bought a car!

I have had only one car in my life, my Jeep Cherokee, since my senior year in college. She has been a great car. But with over 230,000 miles on the jeep and a job where I travel hundreds of miles a week, it just seemed like the right time for something new. I gave the jeep to jeremy and we bought a PT Cruiser.

Its a 2002 Limited Edition with 78,000 miles. It has leather/suede interior, a sunroof, nice stereo, and lots of fun features. The best part is that it has lots of storage for work and my favorite part is that it has cup holders. Ha.

Anyway, just wanted to share yet another new thing in my life lately. Welcome the PT to the Vess family!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

my new do

when you like to take pictures, it usually means that you rarely end up with any pictures of yourself. so when i recently decided to get a new hairstyle, i asked a friend at work to take some photos of me. since portraits is what we do at work, she took them in no time! so, now i actually have some updated pictures of myself. :) just thought i'd share the new do.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

sister in nyc

moving subway
moving subway, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.

so, yesterday my sister moved to new york city. i cannot begin to say how jealous i am. :)

ever since our aunt (who is my age) moved up to the city over 6 years ago, i have wanted to join her. she tried very hard for several years to convince jeremy and i to come up there and get an apartment with her. but alas, jeremy cannot withstand cold temperatures. so the ny move was out.

my middle sister emilie decided last winter that she would move to ny this fall. so yesterday she flew up there and tomorrow she starts her new job in the city. good luck in the big apple, em!

(the shot above was taken on my last trip to new york in november '06. subways are fun.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I have returned...

LeechSaldanha_0476, originally uploaded by jermandjessvess.

So, I am finally blogging again. Wow, I can't believe its been 6 weeks since I've posted anything. Shame on me! The blog gods are angry with me and now I must appease them with a new post and photo. Okay, now I'm going a bit too far. But I'm tired, so I shouldn't be expected to make sense right now.

Anyway, its been a very busy past two months. I have pretty much been working my tail off. But I have enjoyed it so far. The new job is fun and I am still enjoying the travel. So far I have been to Cherry Hill, NC, Hickory, NC, Chattanooga, TN, Stanley, NC, McLeansville, NC, Norfolk, VA, Cary, NC, and now Atlanta, GA. I just got a call from my boss and he might be sending me to Greenville, SC this week. Crazy!

So, needless to say I haven't had much time to take photographs for myself. But I am picking up a lot of knowledge on portrait photography, lighting, cropping, and people skills. I have even been able to shoot some. I still hope to learn more and eventually be the photographer, but I am being patient with it.

Anyway, since I am away all this week, I will try to get back into the habit of posting. I do have a few things to share, so check back for more news!

(The shot posted above was taken while I was second shooting for Andrew Bryant at a wedding in Duke Gardens. It was such a fun day for me. I got to go around and use one of Andrew's cameras and take shots of family and friends mingling at the reception, as well as some pre-ceremony and detail shots. It was a wonderful experience and I hope I have the opportunity to do it again. Andrew was kind enough to give me copies of the images from the wedding. Right now, I am sifting through them, trying to remember which ones I took. I do remember this little girl though. Its hard to forget a face like that. I'm apparently a sucker for taking pictures of kids.)